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Family Mediation North East
Family Mediation North East

Grandparents in Family Mediation
Relationship breakdown is an emotional time for the whole family and can lead to difficult family disputes. But what happens when...

Do I need to use a solicitor when we separate?
Legal advice is not given in a mediation process but it has become more common for the services of solicitors to be “unbundled”. Instead of

My Parents’ Divorce
Monday 9th April 2012 was the day my parents decided to separate. The date of their separation will always stay with me because questions su

Planning the school holidays if you are separated
The school holidays are fast approaching. Before you know it they’ll be here. For many parents family holidays aren’t all fun in the sun....

New report says Child Maintenance Service is failing families
A report published this month by the leading charity Gingerbread states that parents and children are being let down by the current...

Mediation Legal Package
We are always looking for ways to support our clients and improve our service. Our clients have told us they would like a wraparound...

What is a MIAM? | Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting Explained
A Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) is the first step in the family mediation process. If you're facing disputes over...

Family Mediation North East's New Service
As leading experts in family mediation FMNE
are constantly seeking to improve our accessibility.

Sharing financial information in divorce
For a financial settlement to be binding it is important that you both disclose to each other your respective financial positions. This woul

When You Shouted
Family breakdown can be hard for everyone – but especially any children caught up in the conflict. Do you know what your kids think when...
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