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What does a mediation meeting look like?

Before every mediation session begins, we meet with clients on their own. This one-to-one time allows clients to talk to the mediator about any worries they may have in advance of the session and how they’re feeling about the mediation session. So often clients tell us they’re nervous because they don’t know what to expect. We wrote a blog ‘What happens in mediation’ which can help set expectations about what will happen.

But what about the mediation room? What can you expect there? What does the room look like? Where will the participants sit?

We offer appointments online and available to anyone in England and Wales. We can also offer different venues across the North-East for face to face appointments. Below we’ve explored what one of our venues looks like so you know what to expect from the space that you will be in.


There is a table, usually round. The mediator will have set up the room ahead of the meeting and show you where you are sitting. You do not have to sit close to the person you are mediating with. The mediator will be sitting close to a TV monitor so they can share their computer screen with you.

TV Monitor

In mediation the mediator uses a flipchart. At Family Mediation North East, we strive to be a paperless service so we use an electronic flipchart. The mediator will use a laptop and share their screen with you, using the TV monitor. The mediator uses the flipchart to keep a record of the options being discussed or to record information shared in the sessions. It can also be used to demonstrate certain points such as pension options.


When clients feel comfortable in a mediation process, they find they are more able to think clearly and to generate different ideas. Hot drinks can be very comforting, so we ensure they are available throughout. We also provide water and other refreshments throughout the session.


We also provide tissues. Important issues are being discussed, and can be emotional so we have tissues at hand. We can also take breaks at any point when needed.


We are proud to be a service based in the North East. Our office in Ashington is full of photos from local artists in the North East.

Our clients find that being in a place where they’re able to have the conversations about what needs to be done, makes it easier, which is why we ensure the rooms you’re in are the best they can be.

To find out more about our venues, visit our website.


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Pax Mediation Ltd

Appointments available online and offices in Newcastle Quayside, Ashington, Sunderland, Gateshead, Berwick, North Shields and Durham

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©2024 by Pax Mediation Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. No: 8087620 VAT Ref. No: 141 8273 22

Ashington Workspace, Lintonville Parkway, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 9JZ

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